- LREACT - Life reinsurance activity
- The LREACT message is used by companies to exchange insured and policy coverage detail for reinsurance purposes. The message will be used for both ceded and assumed reinsurance. The trading partners utilizing the Life reinsurance activity message will be direct companies, reinsurance companies, reinsurance intermediaries and retrocessionaires. The message will be used to transmit data required by ceding and assuming companies to maintain the records on reinsured cessions. This data supports the reinsurer's ability to appropriately account for, manage, study, value (reserve) and complete their financial reporting. It also facilitates the reconciliation of the reinsurance records in order to maintain the integrity of the data between the trading partners.
- LRECLM - Life reinsurance claims
- The LRECLM message is used by companies to exchange information regarding a claim or claims on a policy or policies which have been reinsured. The message will be used for both ceded and assumed reinsurance. The trading partners utilizing the Life reinsurance claims message will be direct companies, reinsurance companies, reinsurance intermediaries and retrocessionaires. The message will be used to transmit data required by ceding and assuming companies to communicate information for the orderly settlement of claims. It also facilitates the reconciliation of the reinsurance records in order to maintain the integrity of the data between the trading partners.
- MEDPID - Person identification
- The message is used to pass detailed information on persons from, for instance, health insurance agencies to local government in order to verify, add, change or delete person related data in information systems. The message may also be used to transfer person information between various application systems within one organisation (i.e. hospital). Usually detailed person related information for one or more persons is sent from one organisation to another who will acknowledge the message that is sent and proceed with changing, adding or deleting person data in their own files or use the transferred information to check their own registers and send a verification message back.
- MEDPRE - Medical prescription
- The MEDPRE message is sent from a prescriber (issuer) of prescriptions (healthcare professionals, i.e. physician, dentist, or veterinarian) to a dispensing agent (i.e. pharmacy) in order to allow the dispenser to deliver dispensed medicines(s) for the treatment of a subject of care (patient, patient group, animal or animal group). The MEDPRE message may also be sent via a relaying agent for storage until it is requested by a dispenser. Copies of the message may also be sent to parties entitled to receive a copy. The MEDPRE message can also be used as a request for a prescription from a dispensing agent to a prescriber.
- MEDREQ - Medical service request
- A Medical Service Request message is sent from a service requester to the service provider to order investigations, to modify a previous order or ordered investigation or to cancel a previous order.
- MEDRPT - Medical service report
- A Medical Service Report message is sent from a service provider to the service requester to report new results on performed investigations, to modify a previous result item or a complete result report or to cancel a previous result report.
- MEDRUC - Medical resource usage and cost
- The MEDRUC message is sent from a party providing medical and related administrative services to a funding institution, allowing evaluation of the medical activity and justification for reimbursement. It can also be sent from a funding institution to another party in order to advise which reimbursements have been made. The MEDRUC message can carry either initial specifications of used resources and costs, or modifications to specifications given in a previous message. Typically, the MEDRUC message can be used between a healthcare service provider or an insurance company and another insurance company as well as between an insurance company and a healthcare service provider.
- MEQPOS - Means of transport and equipment position
- A message containing the position of a means of transport (e.g. a vessel or truck) and/or equipment related to a means of transport.
- MOVINS - Stowage instruction
- A Stowage instruction message contains details of one means of transport vehicle, giving instructions regarding the loading, discharging and restowage of equipment and/or cargoes and the location on the means of transport where the operation must take place.
- MSCONS - Metered services consumption report
- A metered services consumption report is a communication between trading parties, or their agents, providing consumption and where associated technical, information at a location(s) for a product(s) or service(s) where the supply is recorded using a meter(s).
- ORDCHG - Purchase order change request
- A message from the buyer to the seller, specifying details of the buyer's request to change a purchase order.
- ORDERS - Purchase order
- A message specifying details for goods or services ordered under conditions agreed between the seller and the buyer.
- ORDRSP - Purchase order response
- A message from the seller to the buyer, responding to a purchase order message or a purchase order change request message.
- OSTENQ - Order status enquiry
- A message between a buyer or buyer's agent and a seller or seller's agent for information on the current status of a previously sent order(s).
- OSTRPT - Order status report
- A message between a buyer or buyer's agent and a seller or seller's agent reporting status information on the current status of a previously sent order(s). This may be a reply to an order status enquiry or a report as agreed between the partners.
- PARTIN - Party information
- A message to enable the transmission of basic information regarding locations and the related operational, administrative, financial, manufacturing, confirmation of registration and trading data.
- PAXLST - Passenger list
- This Passenger List Message (PAXLST) permits the transfer of passenger/crew data from a Customs, Immigration or other designated authority in the country of departure to the appropriate authorities in the country of arrival of the means of transport. Where national privacy legislation permits, and with the agreement of all parties involved, this message may also be exchanged between carriers and Customs, Immigration, Police or any designated authorities. This transfer of data may occur upon departure from the sending agency and prior to arrival of the vessel/ flight at the receiving agency. This is to permit the designated authority at the place of destination to screen this data and take timely decisions related to the clearance of passengers and crew. The transfer of data may also occur prior to departure, carriers may transmit passenger listings to customs and immigration for pre-arrival clearance. Endorsement of this message by the Customs Cooperation Council does not necessarily mean endorsement by national Immigration or Police authorities, nor does it place any obligations on parties to apply the message.
- PAYDUC - Payroll deductions advice
- The Payroll Deductions Advice is sent by a party (usually an employer or its representative) to a service providing organisation, to detail payments by payroll deductions, on behalf of employees, made to the service providing organisation.
- PAYEXT - Extended payment order
- An Extended Payment Order is sent by the Ordering Customer (or Payor or Agent on behalf of the Ordering Customer) to the Ordered Bank, to instruct the Ordered Bank to debit an account it services for the Ordering Customer, and to arrange for the payment of a specified amount to the Beneficiary (or Payee or Agent in favour of Beneficiary) in settlement of the referenced business transaction(s), and to provide to the Payee full details of the transactions to which the Extended Payment Order relates. Throughout this document, the term 'Ordering Customer' refers to either an Ordering Customer, or a Payor or Agent acting on behalf of the Ordering Customer; likewise the term 'Beneficiary' refers to either a Beneficiary, or a Payee or Agent acting on behalf of the Beneficiary.
- PAYMUL - Multiple payment order
- A Multiple Payment order is sent by the Ordering Customer (or Payor or Agent on behalf of the Ordering Customer) to the Ordered Bank, to instruct the Ordered Bank to debit an account it services for the Ordering Customer, and to arrange for the payment of specified amounts to several Beneficiaries (or Payees) in settlement of the referenced business transaction(s). Throughout this document, the term 'Ordering Customer' refers to either an Ordering Customer, or a Payor or Agent acting (sending) on behalf of the Ordering Customer; likewise the term 'Beneficiary' refers to either a Beneficiary, or a Payee or Agent acting on behalf of the Beneficiary.
- PAYORD - Payment order
- A Payment Order is sent by the Ordering Customer (or Payor or Agent on behalf of the Ordering Customer) to the Ordered Bank, to instruct the Ordered Bank to debit an account it services for the Ordering Customer, and to arrange for the payment of a specified amount to the Beneficiary (or Payee or Agent in favour of Beneficiary) in settlement of the referenced business transaction(s). Throughout this document, the term 'Ordering Customer' refers to either an Ordering Customer, or a Payor or Agent acting on behalf of the Ordering Customer; likewise the term 'Beneficiary' refers to either a Beneficiary, or a Payee or Agent acting on behalf of the Beneficiary.
- PRICAT - Price/sales catalogue
- A message to enable the transmission of information regarding pricing and catalogue details for goods and services offered by a seller to a buyer. The message can also be sent by a buyer to a seller. This may be a response (acceptance or rejection) to a previously received price/sales catalogue message, or a notification of negotiated prices.
- PRIHIS - Pricing history
- A message furnishing the Pricing History and related information of goods previously ordered under conditions agreed to between a seller and a buyer.
- PROCST - Project cost reporting
- The Project cost reporting message is used in various industry sectors when there is a requirement for all parties involved in a project to formally establish and exchange budget baseline, actual, progress, and estimate to complete cost information; technical performance measurement information; and related funding information. This information exchange is typically going from a contractor performing the work to the end customer. The purpose of this information exchange is to provide the end customer with data that describes the work that must be completed, who is doing the work, and establishes the cost budget baseline for the project. This information exchange also provides data that describes how the work is progressing against the cost baseline to determine if the project will complete on time and within budget. The work in process measurement data provides key management information to ensure the project is progressing as planned and highlights any problem areas that need correcting. Technical performance measurement data is used to determine if the project is meeting specific design or functional objectives. Periodic funding data reporting is used to track future funding requirements for the work in process.
- PRODAT - Product data
- A message to submit master data - a set of data that is rarely changed - to identify and describe products a supplier offers to his (potential) customer or buyer. This information of long validity includes technical and functional product description but not commercial terms and conditions. This message can be used as well to update the information on a previously sent PRODAT message.
- PRODEX - Product exchange reconciliation
- The Product Exchange Message is a communication between two trading partners with agreements for the loan of products to each other, to provide information about movements of products from and to various locations on particular dates. The message gives additional information on the outstanding balances of each product between the trading partners. No financial value is attached to the products and settlement is usually carried out between like products.
- PROINQ - Product inquiry
- A message enabling the sender to inquire on a product or a group of products from a master product catalogue or file according to criteria defined in the message.
- PROSRV - Product service
- A message providing the information and details to enable servicing and repair centres to report to manufacturers on repairs and other services carried out on products and appliances. The message provides details for claims under guaranty or contract to be reimbursed. The information transmitted gives details of the claimant, manufacturer and seller. It may give details of the purchaser of the product. It can identify the product and specify the date it was purchased and delivered, can specify the problem and describe the labour, parts used and costs incurred in the repair of the product. The message may also be used by the manufacturer or his agent to respond to the claimant.
- PROTAP - Project tasks planning
- The Project Tasks Planning message is used in various industry sectors when there is a requirement for all parties involved to formally establish and exchange planning and scheduling information. This information describes the tasks and resources needed to complete a project or provide a service. This can include such details as what activities or tasks are involved, who is available to do the work, who is doing the work, what must be completed or delivered such as a document or goods, and when the work will be completed or when the item will be delivered. This document may be part of the contractual documents exchanged for the preparation, status, or completion of a project or service.
- PRPAID - Insurance premium payment
- The Insurance Premium Payment message is used by communicating parties to notify the recipient about premium or claim amounts to be collected, evaluated, paid, not paid or partly paid, either individually or in series via bordereau or statements. The message may be exchanged between insurers or between insurers and insurance intermediaries.