<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Data processing > ENGDAT > Receiving ENGDAT files |
ENGDAT files are received the same as regular files. Because ENGDAT provides additional information there are further processing steps available. The ENGDAT information (from the ENGDAT abstract) can be shown in a readable form and files can be brought back into their original state prior to sending.
Open the page Folders in the main window of !MC5. If there are files available in ENGDAT format the button Evaluate ENGDAT will be enabled. Click this button to open an editor window containing the ENGDAT information. If no file is selected in the list the editor will be opened for the first ENGDAT file from the list.
The editor can also be opened by double-clicking on an ENGDAT entry in the list.
The ENGDAT abstract file is needed for the evaluation process
Some obsolete software uses only the ENGDAT naming-convention without supplying an ENGDAT abstract file. By definition this is no valid ENGDAT transmission. !MC5 cannot extract additional information from the abstract if it is not available. Because the abstract also contains the original filenames, the files cannot renamed back to their original names. Valid ENGDAT always consists of at least two files where the first one is always the ENGDAT abstract.