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The functions of Evaluate ENGDAT are similar to those of a common text editor. The information can be saved and printed.


The ENGDAT abstract also contains the original filenames. The editor window provides two functions to restore the ENGDAT files to their original names. Click the button Extract all or Extract as to bring the files back to their original state. The first function will rename files, decompress them (if they were compressed with GZip) and stores them into the same folder. If a file already exists a number will be added to the new filename. The function Extract as provides a save-dialog for each file in the ENGDAT transmission. Filename and location can be chosen in this dialog.


The following functions are available:


EngDat_007 Extract all files - Extract all files of the corresponding ENGDAT transmission, i.e. renaming them to their original file name and decompressing them if necessary. The extracted files will be saved to the incoming directory of the partner. Naming conflicts will result in counters added to the file names.

EngDat_008 Extract files as - The same as Extract all files but save folder and file names are selectable for each file.

EngDat_009 Print - Print the shown text.

EngDat_013 Search - Search in text.

EngDat_014 Replace - Search and replace parts of the text.


Using the context menu the following additional functions are available:


Copy - Copies the selected text to the windows clipboard.

Cut - Copies the selected text to the windows clipboard and deletes the selection from the text.

Paste - Paste contents from clipboard to the text. The text will be inserted at the current cursor position.


Evaluate ENGDA files using a specific ENGDAT version


Some times partners may send you ENGDAT files which can't be read by !MC5 due to errors. In many cases these errors are cause by a wrong ENGDAT version identifier used in the file. Usually !MC5 tries to determine the used version automatically and tries to evaluate the file using the corresponding version.



Fehler bei der ENGDAT-Auswertung


If this fails, you can try to evaulate the file using a specific ENGDAT version. This may help, eg. when your partner sends a file using the version 1 identifier, but uses fields from version 2 inside the message.



Repeat ENGDAT evaluation using a specific version.


This isn't guaranteed to work, as the file might be acutally corrupted or not even an ENGDAT file.