<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Introduction > Main window |
The main windows of !MC5 is divided into four sections. The upper part contains the main menu and a tool bar for quick access to the most used functions. The lower Part shows the current usage of the available channels. Via the left hand navigation tree the the various functions of !MC5 are available, including the program settings. The main part of the !MC5 window, to the right side of the tree, show the selected section.
The following functions are always available, regardless which section is selected in the navigation tree:
Tool bar
Enable/disable admin view.
Create New Job - (OFTP, OTFP2 Add-Ons only) Opens the wizard for the creation of a new sending job.
Import EDI message (EDI Add-On only) - Import of an EDI message into !MC5.
Main menu
New Job - (OFTP, OTFP2 modules only) Opens the wizard for the creation of a new sending job.
Import EDI message (EDI Add-On only) - Import of an EDI message into !MC5.
Import Data from Odette 95/MC - Import data and configuration from a previous product from Bartsch Software.
Open !MC5 Tools - Open the !MC5 Tools. Using the !MC5 Tools you can restore (automatically created) backups or perform a rollback to a previously installed version of !MC5.
Close - Close !MC5.
EngPart ... - (EngPart Add-On only) Shows the main window of the EngPart Add-On.
Protocol analyser - Starts the external Protocol Analyser.
Show Logfiles - Opens the folder containing the log files of !MC5 in Windows Explorer.
File tools (OFTP2 module only) - Using the file tools you can apply OFTP2 features (encryption, compression, signature) directly to a file. If more than one feature is applied to a file, the steps have to be applied in the given order.
1 . Decrypt file - Decrypt an encrypted file. Decryption uses all certificates with the usage OFTP2 - File encryption specified in Settings / OFTP2 / Security.
2. Decompress file - Decompresses a compressed file.
3. Verify file signature - Test if the signature of a signed file is valid. You have to select the partner who has signed the file. !MC5 tries to verify the signature using alls certificates with the usage OFTP2 - File signing specified for the selected partner.
Automatic file import - (EDI Addon only) - Shows the settings of the automatic file import.
EDI-Convert Manager (EDI Addon only) - Starts the EDI-Convert Manager.
Package Manager - Shows all installed packages.
Revoke and replace certificate - Using this you can revoke a compromised certificate using the OFTP2 automatic certificate exchange and replace it with a new, valid certificate.
Open software manual - Open !MC5 software manual. An installed PDF viewer is required.
About - Displays information the version of !MC5.
Check for updates - View information about and install the latest available !MC5 update.
Manage license - Shows details about your license and allows to deactivate the license for the current system in order to install it on another computer.
Online registration - Closes !MC5 and starts the online registration.
Show contact sheet - Shows a simple contact sheet which you can print or save and send to your partners.
Remote support download - Open a webpage to download the remote support tool for support via TeamViewer.