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To create a new partner account with connection type OFTP/TCP please proceed as follows:
1 In the navigation tree select the Partners entry and then click the button Add new partner.
2 Click on the button Create new OFTP/TCP partner.
3 Enter a meaningful and unique name for the new partner. It can, but does not have to be the name of the partner. It is important that the same name is not already assigned to another partner. Then click on Next.
4 Enter the IP address or the URL of the computer under which the Odette client of your partner can be reached. If your partner does not have a fixed address, select the option No active connections allowed instead. In this case, your partner must be the one to establish a connection to you in order for data to be exchanged. Continue the wizard with Next .
5 In the next step, enter the Odette identifier of your partner. You must ask your partner for this identifier. Without the correct identifier, no connection to your partner can be established. You can choose between two views for entering the Odette identifier: Between the three-part view with separate entry of ICD, code and CSA, and the entry "in one piece". Any digits not specified are automatically filled with blanks. The Odette identifier, including the introductory O, is always 25 characters long. After the entry, click Next.
The SFID is the "target identifier for files"; it should normally be the same as the Odette identifier. Only change this destination identifier if this is specified by your partner.
The maximum lengths for the fields are:
ICD = 4 characters,
Code = 14 characters,
CSA = 6 characters.
Example of an Odette identifier:
"O0815004712BARTSCHRTEST", where:
"O" = Odette (fixed), "0815" = ICD, "004712BARTSCHR" = Code, "TEST" = CSA.
6 Now enter your password and the password of your partner in the corresponding fields and then click Next. You have to ask your partner for his password, you can choose your own password. You have to tell your partner your chosen password so that he can send data to you. You can create a separate send password for each of your partners, but you do not have to.
The following applies to passwords: Only capital letters, numbers and the special characters / - . & ( ) may be used. Umlauts and spaces within a text are not allowed.
7 In the last step, specify the directories that will be used for saving incoming and outgoing files from and to this partner. The incoming and outgoing directories must not be the same. Then finish the wizard by clicking Finish.
Please create a separate inbound and outbound directory for each partner and make sure that you have full access rights to these directories. Also make sure that the specified directories are available at all times while data is being transferred. Consult your network administrator if necessary.
Customize base paths
By default !MC5 uses the base paths C:\Odette\In and C:\Odette\Out for the incoming and outgoing directories of new partners. If you want to use other base paths, they can be customized in the General Settings.
If all data have been entered correctly, the new partner account can be used immediately. All details except for the connection method can be changed subsequently via the edit function. In addition, this function can be used to make additional settings for a partner (e.g. special functions, ENGDAT or EDI settings). To do this, select the corresponding partner entry in partner management and click on the Edit button.